Pilot Plant Design | Pilot Plant Scale Up | Commercial Scale Production

Before getting straight to pilot plant design or pilot plant scale-up, we do need
to understand ‘what is pilot plant’.
Commercial production of anything requires several layers of initial testing
which incorporates the machine testing, product testing, quality testing and so
forth. In simpler words, the pilot plant can be the case of plant testing.
The pilot plant is small-scale plant developed and designed for making all the
testing required for the plant to explore any problems or bug in the plant, and
finally ensuring a flawless production from the full-scale plant.
Or, we can say, a small system developed to find out the behavior and
problems (if any) of any process to ensure the error-free and smooth running
of the larger system, finally developed for commercial production.
But, pilot plant design and pilot plant scale-up are not that easily manageable.
So, we have come up with a small guide step in case you are going for a pilot plant before the final commercial product.
Pilot plant design.
We do need to have a quick grasp of the steps involved in the pilot plant
design and the estimated cost, right?
The steps involved are consultation, design, advanced 3D modeling,
Automation setups designs, control designing, fabrication/assembling, and
finally installation.
Where consultation involves professional touch in developing the pilot plant,
design involves making of a rough sketch of pilot plant design on paper, 3D
modelling involves the simulation process, automation set-ups and controls
are for testing the fabricated pilot plant, and finally installation is done after
testing at the place where manufacturing is done, like industry.
As for the cost involved in pilot plant design, the cost may depend and vary
based on several factors that incorporate:
  •  Expectation in the required output
  •  Substance utilized during manufacturing using pilot plant/ material used for pilot plant
  •  Processing time
  •  Number of required sampling points
And so forth.

Pilot plant scale-up
In the flow diagram, after pilot plant design comes pilot plant scale-up and
then after come then large scale manufacturing. Scale-up in pilot plant is the
process of designing final prototype utilizing all the data collected from pilotplant design.
And, in case of pilot plant scale-up, all the 5 M’s factor play an important role
which are money, man, method, material, and machine. Pilot plant scale-up is
sometimes referred as the process of updating the batch size or may
incorporate applying the same process used in a pilot plant in different
It is important to understand that why pilot plant scale-up is required or
  • Process may not act very similar in large volumes, even if they behave well in small volumes
  • Determining the effect of scale on the manufacturing process and the quality of the product
  • Process used during manufacturing are scale dependent in many
cases, which implies that may not behave similarly when used in
different volumes

However, the pilot plant is of utmost importance when comes to manufacturing
something on a very large scale or at a commercial level in any industry. For
example, they may help to evaluate the theoretical studies and research on
the actual manufactured product, or determining the error-rate during
manufacturing, or determining wastage during the manufacturing process
which in turn may help in determining the effective manufacturing cost, and so


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